
Embeddable number scale button generator for static surveys

With this tool you can generate code which will embed number scale element to your invitation email. Fill the fields, click Generate and you will get the code which you can add to your survey invitation message field.

NOTE: You can't use embedded number scale buttons if you send invitations from Surveypal.

Survey preview link

You will find this from survey list. Click your survey, scroll down and select "Show more". Copy and paste Preview link here.

Element code

Add here the element code of the number scale question where you want to push the answer from email. Element code is in "p0e1" format where number after 'p' is the page number of the question and number after 'e' is the question's index number on the page.

Calculate on which page and which number the number scale question is, starting from 0. All added content and question elements need to be included (e.g. image and text elements). This article will help you to understand element code.

After answering

Select what you want to happen after respondent press the button in the email and browser will open the survey.

External ID

If you want that response is not anonymous, you can use placeholders like {{email}} which takes email addres from recipient field.

Survey language

If you want to open a specific language version of the survey straight away for the user, type in the exact name of the language version in your survey. For example English, Suomi, Svenska, Deutsch.

Background information

You can add background information for the answer. This information is usable for reporting. You can add background information with key-value pairs. For example {'key':'Gender','value':'Male'},{'key':'Age','value':'21'} where Gender get value "Male" and Age gets value "21".

Scale starts from

How many buttons your scale contains?

Button font color

Use HEX value, for example #000000

You can find color codes from here

Button background color

Use HEX value, for example #ffaa00

Buttons label left

Buttons label right

Logo image

You can add logo or other image to top of the email. Add image address here. You can copy image address from internet when you click image with your mouse second button and select "Copy image address".

Logo image width

Image pixel width, for example 100

Message text

Write here invitation message text and number scale question. It might be also good to add description text for numbers (0=bad, 10=best).

If you need line break, use code <br>. If you need bolder text, add it inside tags <strong> and </strong>

Click 'Generate' and your code will be in 'Your code' section

You can change setting and then click again 'Generate'. Your code and Preview will be updated.

Your code

Remove everything from your email invitation text and add below code there.